As I discussed last Wednesday, I have been taking
Stefanie Japel's online Design Your Own Shawl class. Well, last week I finished up the first shawl I have ever designed myself! I could not be more excited!

I really do love how it came out. I feel like it is a very good first shawl in terms of my designing.

I have been getting good feedback from the knitters, which makes me feel good about getting it all ready to go and available as a free Ravelry download at some point in the very near future.

So, now what's on the needles, you ask? Well, a second shawl of course! I got hung up on some math with the first one, so I worked out the kinks and am knitting away on the second one. Hopefully I will have that one to show off soon too.
I have to say this online class has been such a great thing. The handouts alone are worth it. And, I will be providing a more in depth review in coming weeks (of course!).
Happy knitting! And designing!